Suggested "Lesson Plans” For the First 5 Odyssey Meetings

Meeting #1

Suggestions for basics to cover with parents and students:
* A demonstration of how Odyssey of the Mind encourages both fluency and flexibility of thinking.
* Meeting times, days and length. Make sure parents write the dates of your Regional, State AND World Finals Tournaments to avoid future conflicts.
* Odyssey of the Mind costs - how much the team may spend and how it will be funded.
* Expectations of commitment from students AND parents! Use "contracts" if desired.
* Importance of teamwork. A maximum of 7 members in a team.
* You might want to give each team member and parents a copy of the current problem synopses.
* Incorporate lessons 1 (22 min) and 2 (15 min) of Odyssey Academy videos to address the basics of the program and make sure that parents hear and understand Outside Assistance rules.
* Role of parents (Do you want help with spontaneous, providing snacks, taking the team to get supplies, fund-raising, carpools, driving on "road trips," teaching basic skills like woodworking? sewing? line dancing? stage presence?
Also, the team must provide a judge to be trained and who will judge Regional and TX State tournaments. (see current team qualifications depending on your region). Team must also provide one or more untrained volunteers. This is typically team parents.
* NOT Role of parents: outside assistance, i.e., explain all ideas & work must be team's own.
* Try a spontaneous with the students. Try one with the parents.

Note: Elaboration of the first 5 meeting plans is included in the Coaches’ Handbook.